Thanks to Netflix, new podcasts, and expanded Spotify access, it’s getting easier and easier to consume French media abroad to keep your French language skills up to snuff. Check out my favorites below!

TV + Film
Netflix announced last year that they were making a huge investment in film studios in Paris, which means there’s a ton of stuff streaming stateside. Listen in the original language – with or without subtitles – to challenge your comprehension!
- Lupin
This show has become one of my favorite French language series of all time! Based off a detective book series, this interpretation features Omar Sy (of Les Intouchables fame) in the lead role. He’s both funny and emotional and I loved every episode.
- L’Agence
Confession: my guilty pleasure in shows is real estate reality dramas (I’ve watched Selling Sunset way too many times) so when a French one came about I binged it in three days. It’s cute, overly dramatic, and fully of dreamy European listings.
- The Circle (France)
If you loved the English language version of this show, try the French one! While I didn’t personally love either rendition of The Circle, this is a great way to pick up slang and informal French, you know, to stay hip with the kids!
- Au Service de la France
Love an FBI style dramedy, à la française? This one’s for you! Equal parts dark and quirky, Au Service de la France is especially good if you’re trying to up your French comprehension when everyone speaks a mile a minute (a constant struggle for me, if I’m being honest!).
- Chef’s Table (France)
Given that this is a wine blog, I had to include something on food and restaurants. Chef’s Table France doesn’t disappoint and brings the best in French dining to you.
If you go to France, you’ll hear a lot of American and British music, but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost! There are some great French artists I’m listening to on repeat and I know you’ll enjoy them too.

- L’Impératrice (Pop Disco)
This group is my band of the year! I have a L’Impératrice (The Empress) playlist I listen to every day. I’m obsessed with their catchy rhythms, their dynamism, and the variety of music they’ve created. Now that I’ve found them, I’ll probably always be obsessed.
- Mathieu des Longchamps (Singer-Songwriter)
You know those artists you play when you’re feeling introspective and a little sad? That’s Mathieu des Longchamps for me. Part French-Canadian, part Panamanian, his melancholy tunes are perfect for unwinding after a long day with a glass of wine.
- Coeur de Pirate (Pop)
I’ve loved Coeur de Pirate for nearly a decade but I found myself coming back to her this summer with the release of her new single, Plan à trois. (Don’t worry – the title isn’t really what you think.)
- Bon Entendeur (Electronic)
Know the song, Le temps est bon? These guys are responsible for that viral hit and more toe-tapping electronic beats. I put their songs on in the background when I’m trying to finish a work project without interruption – keeps me motivated but doesn’t distract me too much!
- Clara Luciani (Pop)
For me, Clara is the Francophone musician of 2021. Her new album, Coeur, takes the best of disco from influences like L’Impératrice, classic French chanson, and modern pop. I love her sultry voice and the upbeat bass that accompanies most of her songs. The perfect artist to include on your sunny summer playlist!
I’ll admit, ever since the pandemic, I’m not big on podcast listening. But there is one I’ve found myself coming back to again and again, and that’s La Poudre. This podcast interviews remarkable women from around the world about their experiences, their encounters with sexism, and how they built their careers. It’s hosted by feminist and journalist Lauren Bastide, who is both charming and hard-hitting. A great one to have on in the background while you’re cooking!
That’s it for my French Summer 2021 Media Roundup! See you in the fall for the next listicle, and in the meantime, tell me what you’re loving below!